(5) stretching exercises for people who are sedentary and sprained

(5) stretching exercises for people who are sedentary and sprained
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It is important to think about what kind of exercise is the best exercise for children who tend to be sedentary. Experts say that stretching exercises can have better effects than vigorous exercise for sprains. So, for those who are struggling with body tightness, here are some stretching methods that will not only make your body smooth and light and refreshing, but also make your body contours more beautiful in 30 days. Straight and straight, It will be lighter and more beautiful, so spend only 10 minutes before going to bed to make it.

1. Hitting the head with a knee
As shown in the picture, stretch the right leg and bend the left leg from the knee and touch the toe to the thigh. Place the right hand on the inside of the right leg and hold the foot. Reach your left hand over your head and hold your toes. Stay in that position for a minute. Alternate left and right.

2. The form of a frog
Sit in the car with your heels under your hips and your knees out to the side. Bend your body forward, lift your hips over your heels, and extend your arms as far as you can in front of your body. Stay in that position for 2 minutes.

3. Cobra style
Just like in the picture, keep your stomach touching the floor and your legs stretched. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and support them in front of your body, and turn your head back as far as you can. Stay in that position for 2 minutes.

4. Head down style
As shown in the picture, support your feet and arms and make a triangle shape. You need to keep your knees and elbows straight and support yourself with your toes. Stay in that position for 2 minutes.

5. Twisting the waist
Sit with your legs straight and your back straight. Bend the left knee, place the right elbow on the knee, and support the back with the left hand. Stay in that position for one minute and alternate left and right.

6. The benefits are
I started to sleep well. I feel lighter.

pain, The stiffness of the body began to ease.

Better blood circulation Blood pressure became normal.
Less stress.

The beauty of the outline of the body is revealed, My posture became beautiful.

Credit to Original Writer