Easy kidney treatment

Health sector presentation program

Easy way to clean kidney by eating white carrot

** Today, diabetes and hypertension are increasing day by day, and kidney failure due to diabetes is also increasing daily. In addition, long-lasting drugs are being added to foods such as rice flour, bean paste, and dyes are being used unfairly in bamboo shoots and chili powder.

**However, due to high blood pressure and diet, when someone reaches their age, they rarely notice that they have a little kidney damage. But if you know this, your kidney will be protected until the end of your life. Back pain due to kidney stones If you suffer from back pain, nausea, and nausea, crush a white radish and drink the liquid. It is very smelly. Once it enters your stomach, your back pain will disappear immediately, and you will feel hungry immediately because of the smell of the curry. It is very powerful. Add a little water to the grinder and grind it. Radish white water washes the kidneys immediately. Arum is also strong. It can also be used by patients with hernia.

** In addition, there is good news that everyone can wash and protect the kidneys by cooking white radish once a week and eating half of it as a preventive measure. If you soak raw radish with lemon juice and eat it raw, it is even more medicinal.